David Gil de Gómez IV

Simple Encoding

Encoding is the transformation of information from one representation (also known as code) to a different one.

We might not think about it all so often but it is an incredibly important process in computer science and information technology. We would not have data without its representation, internal or external.

Many standards have dealt with the fact of needing common codes. For example, ASCII or Unicode. There is an incredible variety of transformations that we use on different occasions. Some of them cause data loss, some do not.

To encourage you to think about this, I want to propose you a challenge. This file contains a message. Download it, discover the encoding, and tell me the message and how you have discovered through mail or social media.

I will publish the best received solution and give credit to the author. Even though you should just do it to think about what encoding means and its implications.

File integrity check (MD5): 58945a6cda525b28d72c8ea426bb69f8